Get Involved
Any United States citizen who is at least 16 years of age may join the League of Women Voters. Others may join as associate members.(US residents who are not citizens are also welcome to join the League as non-voting members.) We encourage men, as well as women, to join and take an active role in League. Regardless of your level of involvement, membership comes with many benefits. Publications and meetings will keep you informed of issues facing our community. Your voice will be heard through the League’s work to influence public policy at all levels of government. You will also have the opportunity to sharpen your skills in leadership, communications, research, public speaking and more. Your membership also helps the League of Women Voters by giving us the clout we need to empower citizens and be a force for change. The League of Women Voters is a grassroots organization where individuals like you actively engage in creating positive change on the local, state, and national levels. As a member you will help to shape the important issues that keep our communities strong.
All members are invited to fill out an Experience and Interests Survey for volunteering opportunities.